Mr. Peter Helenius has kindly built a large photo collection presenting different old places around Porvoo. The site, that’s located over here is unfortunately in Swedish. On the front page of his site Helenius writes that besides photographs, he has also collected some old Porvoo-related postcards. Most postcards are pre-WW2. His site has about 1500 image files!
As the website is pretty huge and mostly in Swedish, it could be exhausting to go through the collection. He has luckily divided the site in different sections, which are linked on the website’s left sidebar. Some key sections are listed below. The bullet points are so that the Swedish word is left, Finnish in the center and English translation on the right.
- Centrum = Keskusta = Centre
- Lundagatan = Lundinkatu = Lund street
- Mannerheimgatan = Mannerheiminkatu = Mannerheim street
- Empirestaden = Empirekaupunki = "Empire City"
- Alexandersgatan = Aleksanterinkatu = Alexander street
- Runebergsgatan = Runeberginkatu = Runeberg street
- Strandgatan = Rantakatu = Promenade
- Flygfoton = Ilmakuvia = Aerial photos
- Gamla bron = Vanha silta = Old town bridge
- Gamla stan = Vanha kaupunki = Old town
- Kyrkan = Kirkko = Church
- Ågatan = Jokikatu = River street
- Mellangatan = Välikatu = Intermediate street
- Kartongkort = Pahvikortit = Cardboard items
- Prästgårdsbacken = Pappilanmäki = Vicarage hill
- Borgbacken = Linnamäki = Linnamäki hill
- Tecknade = Sarjakuvia = Cartoons, kind of
- Övrigt = Muut = Others
Helenius’ site has old photos, my site has some pretty fresh stuff. ;-)