Please note that all of these are plugins for Textpattern the CMS. Do you need a WYSIWYG editor in Textpattern? Or Aviary image manipulation tools? Check my plugins collection for those and more. It should be noted that using these plugins is at your own risk. Before installing any Textpattern plugin check what is your current TXP version and if the plugin mentions about compatibility issues with that.
Description: Syntax highlighting with Ace for Textpattern's Articles, Pages, Forms, Styles and Comments sections. Tested with Textpattern 4.5.5 and 4.5.7 with Classic, Remora, Hive and Kuopassa admin themes. Tested also with 4.6.0-beta (Hive and Hive Flat Neutral).
Description: A simple chat for Textpattern admin-side. Textpattern users can write new messages. Only Publishers and Managing Editors can delete (hide) messages.
Description: Feedback, please! This plugin will get statistics from your Google Analytics' account. They can be accessed from behind Textpattern's Extensions tab. Tested with Textpattern 4.5.5. and 4.5.7.
Aviary for Textpattern (0.2) (Plugin not working properly.)
Description: Textpattern plugin kuo_aviary_cdn activates Aviary image editing tools for single images at Textpattern's Images tab. Tested with Textpattern 4.5.5 and 4.5.7. The plugin is in English. ***COULD BE BROKEN.*** Some have commented that saving images isn't possible anymore. Apparently Adobe bought Aviary.
Description: Backup article content to the Bitcoin SV (BSV) blockchain with Money Button wallet, and restore backed up data to any article. This is an experimental plugin. Tested with Textpattern 4.7.3 and 4.8.8 with PHP 7.4.
Description: This plugin fetches CKEditor for Textpattern's body and excerpt textareas. Just activate the plugin and that's basically it. From version 0.2 also a special jQuery adapter file is required. It's included in this package. The .js file goes inside your website's root where a "js" folder should be. Tested in Textpattern 4.5.5. The plugin is in English.
Description: This plugin activates CLEditor for Textpattern's body and excerpt textareas. Tested in Textpattern 4.5.5 and 4.5.7. The plugin is in English. With this plugin comes a folder called "cleditor" with the required JavaScript files etc. That folder should be uploaded inside your website's "textpattern" folder.
Description: Tested with Textpattern 4.6.0 and 4.6.2. This tool makes it faster to build and maintain websites as you don't have to try to remember where a certain bit of information (be it a tag, text, CSS markup or HTML) is located -- this plugin will try to find it from any Form, Page and Styles component.
Description: This very simple plugin prevents front-side search engine from being used. When a search query is attempted to make, this plugin prevents that, and sends HTTP status code 403.
Description: Records information about when a file has been downloaded through Textpattern. After installing and enabling this plugin your Textpattern Files's section will show on individual file's page when file was last opened, by who etc. Tested with Textpattern 4.5.5, 4.5.7, 4.6-dev and 4.6.0-beta.
Description: *Requires cURL.* This plugin will attempt to fetch from Github certain Textpattern plugins and themes information (names, descriptions etc.), and present them in a table in your Textpattern's Extensions section. Tested with 4.5.5, 4.5.7 and 4.6.0-beta.
Description: Experimental. Use at your own risk. Tested with Textpattern 4.5.5. Users can register and log in to Textpattern's public side with their Google account. This script requires that you've got a Client ID and Client Secret from Google Developers Console, where you should create a Web project which uses Google+ API.
Description: This plugin generates automatically URL's for those images that are saved to Textpattern's image folder. User can then use image names which are not just numbers, but which can contain words. Plugin was tested with Textpattern 4.5.5 and with image names which have Latin characters and numbers.
Description: With this plugin installed and two lines of rewrite rules set inside website's root .htaccess file numerical images inside /images/ folder open with their file name. So /images/1.png could become /images/myphoto_1.png. Works only with full size images, not with thumbnails. The rewrite rules for .htaccess are in plugin's Help section. This plugin has so far been tested with Textpattern 4.6.0-beta, 4.5.7 and 4.5.5.
Description: This plugin fetches jHtmlArea 0.8.0. for Textpattern's Body and Excerpt textareas. Just activate the plugin and that's it. Tested with Textpattern 4.5.5, 4.5.7 and 4.6.0-beta. The plugin is in English. Not fully compatible with kuo_sortable.
Description: Insert payment buttons with simple Textpattern tags. The payment system is fast and cheap, powered by Money Button ( Check the live demo at:
Description: When activated, this plugin attaches a small horizontal control bar to the public side of website. It's visible only to logged in users. Tested with Textpattern 4.5.5, 4.5.7 and 4.6.0-beta. The control bar uses the same language as Textpattern.
Description: Dynamically modify the order of elements in Textpattern's Write panel. Hide elements by dragging them to the bottom left corner to a box marked with "X", or click it to reset layout settings. This plugin has been tested with Textpattern 4.6-dev with admin theme Hive, and with Textpattern 4.5.7 and 4.5.5.
Description: This plugin needs Textpattern 4.6, HTML5 and jQuery in order to work properly. After installing this, a basic star rating can be placed in for example to individual articles. User can vote once per IP address.
Description: This plugin needs Textpattern 4.6, or newer, HTML5 and jQuery in order to work properly. After installing this, a basic star rating can be placed in for example to individual articles. User can vote once per IP address.
String to lowercase (0.1) (Plugin not working properly.)
Description: String to lowercase. This plugin attempts to convert text strings to lowercase. Use it like this: <txp:kuo_strtolower>My name is John Doe.</txp:kuo_strtolower>. Tested in Textpattern 4.5.X. Not working properly in Textpattern 4.5.5.
Description: This plugin fetches TinyMCE for Textpattern's body and excerpt textareas. Just activate the plugin and that's it. Tested in Textpattern 4.5.5. The plugin is in English.
Description: This plugin fetches TinyMCE for Textpattern's body and excerpt textareas. Just activate the plugin and that's not it... Because nowadays TinyMCE asks for an API key, which can be obtained from The API key is saved in the plugin's preferences. The plugin was tested with Textpattern 4.7.3 and 4.8.4. It attempts to detect if user prefers light or dark mode, and what language the site uses.
Description: This triggers in Textpattern's admin side, in the Write section, as well as in Plugin Composer, the Publish/Save button with keyboard. Thanks for this idea goes to Crowdin.
Description: This plugin fetches Trumbowyg for Textpattern's body and excerpt textareas. Just activate the plugin and that's it. The plugin was tested with Textpattern 4.7.3 and 4.8.4. It attempts to detect what language the website uses.
Description: In test phase. Please leave feedback of this plugin so I can improve it. This plugin can be used to allow users to upload image files directly to Textpattern's Images tab. The plugin requires zem_contact_reborn in order to work. Tested with 4.5.5 and 4.5.7.
Description: Collects last action that your Textpattern-powered website's user did when that user was logged in. This saves username, timestamp and partial URL of that last action. Tested with Textpattern 4.6.0-beta and 4.5.7.
Description: Use for example Gmail's SMTP service to send emails with Zem Contact Reborn (ZCR). This plugin uses PHPMailer and requires ZCR version 4.5. Plugin has been tested with Textpattern 4.5.7 and 4.6.0-beta.
Description: A free theme for Textpattern 4.7.0 and newer. Responsive, simple theme with dark background and light text. Install this theme by uploading folder "linear-gradient" inside Textpattern's "themes" folder. After that log in to Textpattern and go to "Presentation" → "Themes".